Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Doris and Dobin

Doris is furious with Dobin this morning.He keeps saying there is light at the end of the tunnel.Doris quite sensibly said "you can't find  light at the end of the Tunnel Dobin ,if there is no light at the start "..Dobin went to work no saying much ,but thinking a little.

Friday, 15 September 2017

Doris and Dobin

Doris is frustrated with Dobin as he says "we don't need boxes to move house".Doris said to Dobin and with some authority'thinking that may work."Listen Dobin 'I will say this only once "then realising she was breaking into a French accent "we will be packing in boxes ".Dobin went to work pondering on maybe she's right but not admitting that .

Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Doris and Dobin

Doris was telling Dobin over a cup of coffee its Duvet day today .oh says Dobin excitedly and getting back into bed and phoning in work sick .No says Doris stripping the duvet off and popping it  into the machine it's duvet washing day.

Friday, 1 September 2017

Doris and Dobin

Dobin was telling Doris that the bath is self cleaning .Doris thinks for a while and says no Dobin it's Doris cleaning